Friday, October 7, 2022

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Canada Day Marketplace At Yarrow Farm Market


People are asked to bring their own blankets, chairs, thermos and spare change for popcorn. Biking and walking to the event is encouraged. The title of the family-friendly film will be announced at a later date. Saturday, June 4 will begin with a family fun run and pancake breakfast at 8 a. The annual parade starts at 10 a.

The party in Pioneer Park begins at 11 a. The community church service is set for Sunday, June 5, and brunch at Chestnut Springs will follow. Run starts at 8 a. Registration by donation. Get your spot along Yarrow Central Road early, as it gets busy. Opening ceremonies at 11 a. Multi-denominational service will happen rain or shine and is open to everyone. Menu and pricing to follow. For more info, go to yarrowcommunity.

Do you have something else we should report on? Email: jenna. Taking away every aspect of culture we could and enslaving generations of youth in boarding schools, in order to straight up steal one of the largest pieces of land on the planet.

When put in that light, you can see how this can make one feel a real sense of loss on this day. Yes, there were a few people that were able to keep some of these traditions alive, but in reality it is only in the last generation where many have been scrambling to re-claim this knowledge, and doing so with little success. We brought herbal Elders from all across the country together to celebrate their service to keeping herbalism alive and strong. Despite our efforts, my father and I were unable to get a herbal elder from the Komox First Nations where we live to come to the event.

We tried on several occasions to ask at the reserve and in our community, if anyone knew of a First Nations herbal elders we could contact, and sadly, no one could help us, no mater who we asked.

This is the reality everywhere in this country…. There are very few who can teach and share these oral traditional wisdoms that took of years to evolve…. These crimes of Genocide, and the brutal acts of mental and spiritual enslavement against all those who were in our way.

The only way I know how to step out of this sense of suffering, is to do something to bring awareness to it. To really own and acknowledge it and yet become bigger than it. So I can use the energy of pain, loss or guilt as fuel for creating the changes I want to see in the world. I live a life of luxury off the backs of an unpaid debt to the land I inhabit and the people who lived here before me.

From this place National Pride is no longer an option. It is a false sense of security and happiness. Yet, because this is what the mass consciousness is focusing on today, I can use this heightened sense of psychic energy to really touch into a deeper level of awareness in myself, with others, and with the land I inhabit.

I make a vow to share awareness of this injustice, as it is not only here, it has happened in every corner of this planet.

I share this message, and dedicate much of my efforts to teaching and learning deeper ways of showing up that are more in tune with the world we live in. I dedicate myself to learning ways that are in flow with nature and the planet as one consciousness, ways that have been shared with us by indigenous cultures from around the world for thousands of years..

In respect for all those who have suffered from these crimes, I once again, ask for your forgiveness on this day and every day moving forward. Your email address will not be published. Toggle navigation. Canada Day — Why I feel guilty and a great sense of loss…. So why did I wake up today with a deep sense of morning, loss, guilt and a tinge of resentment? Heres a personal example of the loss of culture I have seen.. This is the reality everywhere in this country… There are very few who can teach and share these oral traditional wisdoms that took of years to evolve… So, today I morn this loss… but I also have to look at a deeper level of grief, guilt and responsibility that is eating away at me on many levels.


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